Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Hobbit place in Bali

Small creature, incredibly fast, soundless move, live in small hole, love peace and harmony, those the Hobbit has. They live in Shire, world of hobbit, with a lot of happiness, and joy of life.

I start following the Hobbit since trilogy Lord of the Ring officially released. I do love how the friendship began between the Hobbit and other creatures, when they start the journey to Mordor, returning back the ring to the place where it was created as well as ruin it.

Here is one of my photo-works which i dedicate to the Hobbit, it's so called "Dreaming of Shire (World of Hobbit)". It's rich of colors indeed, deliver sense of serenity, having chain of cliff a long the lake (Lake of Batur).
Dreaming of Shire (World of Hobbit) 

During the mission to return back the ring to Mt. Mordor, the Hobbit was supported by other fellows, one of them is the Dwarve. There is a strong connection between the Dwarve and the Hobbit, as in the past the Hobbit (Bilbo Baggin) was supporting the Dwarve (Thorin) to get back his kingdom in Lonely Mountain after being sabotage by the Dragon. It was very long journey of the Hobbit & Thorin company to reach remarkable place of Dwarve, Thorin Kingdom family. Indeed there is a lot experience the hobbit gained during that mission, as well as finding the ring which is eventually knows as the Lord of the Ring.

I dedicate my photo-works as below, "Lonely Mountain" to be apart of destination of the Hobbit and Thorin's Company journey. The place where a lot of treasures, gold, swords, and precious thing found belonging to Thorin's Family Kindom.

Lonely Mountain
When the fellowship of the Ring established, they start the mission to bring the Hobbit (Frodo) to reach Mt. Mordor. By that time, Sauran has already  excessively increase his army. They are Orc, Smeagul, and most of creatures from the darkness. As well as His ally, the magician Saramun.

This is so called "the raise of the Darkness", i dedicate my photo-work below to represent the raise of the darkness, as the dark cloud fully cover the mountain (Mt. Mordor), it deliver sense of scared.

Raise of the darkness

You are able to find more of my photo-works on the following link,

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Hope you enjoy it, see you again in other page, Ciao

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